Lancang River Valley
Any place will do!

Lancang River Valley
Delorme at work

Lancang River Valley

Lancang River Valley
China under construction

Lancang River Valley
Lancang river, rice paddies and mountains

Lancang River Valley
Amaranth plant. Its seeds are very high in protein. It is also a good source of iron, magnesium and phosphorus, and a very good source of manganese.

Lancang River Valley
PRC Flag

Lancang River Valley

Lancang River Valley
Ants vs Noodle

Lancang River Valley

Lancang River Valley
Building connection

Lancang River Valley
Not every road that runs along a valley is flat!

Lancang River Valley

Lancang River Valley

Lancang River Valley
This woman and her husband hosted us for the night. No light, no water, no toilet, no gas. That's how they cook.

Lancang River Valley
Time for herding

Lancang River Valley
Cooking breakfast

Lancang River Valley
Cooking breakfast

Lancang River Valley

Lancang River Valley
This woman and her husband hosted us for the night. No light, no water, no toilet, no gas. They couldn't speak english and we couldn't speak chinese, but somehow we managed to communicate.

Lancang River Valley
The toilet was a bunch of rocks behind the house

Lancang River Valley
Chinese tunnel

Lancang River Valley
Lancang gets narrower

Lancang River Valley

Lancang River Valley
Bridge over Lancang river

Lancang River Valley
Rice paddies

Lancang River Valley
Rice paddies

Lancang River Valley
Lunch time, eggs and tomatoes

Lancang River Valley
Daniele's favourite drink: cold flavoured milk!

Lancang River Valley
One of the three impressive dams on Lancang river. The whole river flows the hole, like a syphon, and disappears.

Lancang River Valley
At every dam corresponds a tunnel, so it's impossible to see where the river goes.

Lancang River Valley
An hurricane hits south of China, the damages on the southeast coast are numerous, luckily we are far away but the heavy rain forces us to stop. Mr Wang and his friends welcome us into their guesthouse. 3 days full board totally free!

Lancang River Valley
Lunch at Mr Wang's guesthouse

Lancang River Valley
Communicating with google translator

Lancang River Valley

Lancang River Valley
A smile in the rain

Lancang River Valley
Lancang river under the hurricane

Lancang River Valley
Rain on the road

Lancang River Valley
Mr Wang guesthouse

Lancang River Valley
Chinese people love playing cards

Lancang River Valley
Cyclist in the dim light

Lancang River Valley
Time to leave, thank you Mr Wang!

Lancang River Valley
The biggest problem now are the landslides. Several times we had to escape big rocks falling down from nowhere. Not a relaxing cycle, we try to go as fast as possible.

Lancang River Valley
Wild peas?

Lancang River Valley
Coming back from school

Lancang River Valley
Lancang river an rice paddies

Lancang River Valley
We can now say that the caution signpost is not a joke!

Lancang River Valley

Lancang River Valley
Safe place to stop

Lancang River Valley

Lancang River Valley
Maybe we are out of the landslides section

Lancang River Valley
Water on the road

Lancang River Valley
The second impressive dam of the Lancang river

Lancang River Valley
The second impressive dam of the Lancang river

Lancang River Valley
Better to ask for a safe shelter

Lancang River Valley

Lancang River Valley
And after the dam, the river is here again

Lancang River Valley
Contemplating the river

Lancang River Valley
tubers, pumpkin and tomatoes

Lancang River Valley
Is she laughing at us or at the man?

Lancang River Valley

Lancang River Valley
Hobo and Lancang river

Lancang River Valley
A photographer

Lancang River Valley
Cycling in the valley

Lancang River Valley
Hidden among the woods

Lancang River Valley
Better to go slowly

Lancang River Valley
Preparing a delicious (?) liquor

Lancang River Valley
Wasps liquor! Daniele tasted it and apparently it has no taste at all!

Lancang River Valley
One of Yunnan delicacy: wasps larvas

Lancang River Valley

Lancang River Valley
Chinese building

Lancang River Valley
Detail of the chinese building