Issyk kul
We are back on our bikes, ready to continue our tour around the Issyk Kul lake. On the back ground there's the Kyungey Ala-Too range.

Issyk kul
A good day starts with a good breakfast! Main ingredient of our breakfast in Central Asia is "Grechka" (buck wheat). Perfect for both salty and sweet dishes. We cook it for breakfast by adding condensed milk and jam or for dinner with eggs and sausages.

Issyk kul
Young kyrgyz palying with a slingshot

Issyk kul
Back on the road

Issyk kul
BeCycling with pebbles

Issyk kul
Kyungey Ala-Too range is part of the Tien Shan mountains. The highest point of the range is Peak Chok Tal (4770 m).

Issyk kul
Relaxing on the beach

Issyk kul
Playing with balance

Issyk kul
Shepherd giving water to his animals

Issyk kul

Issyk kul
Sunset over Issyk Kul

Issyk kul
Tian Shan mountain range split into an ‘eye’, with Issyk Kul Lake in its center. The south side of the lake is the Terskey Alatau and the north side the Kyungey Ala-Too

Issyk kul
Life is balance

Issyk kul
Amazing Issyk Kul shore in the south side of the lake, near Bokonbayevo

Issyk kul
Amazing Issyk Kul shore in the south side of the lake, near Barksoon.

Issyk kul
Cyckling towards the Skazka Canyon, "The Fairy Tale Canyon"

Issyk kul
Leaving the Fairy Tale Canyon. The entrance fee was too high so we decided not to get in!

Issyk Kul
Life is colourful

Issyk Kul
One of the many abandoned places around the lake. Probably dated back to the Soviet Union period.

Issyk Kul
Cycling around Issyk Kul lake.

Issyk Kul
Taking picture with the lake as background

Issyk Kul
Lake and clouds

Issyk Kul
Very peaceful shore with crystal clear water

Issyk Kul
Daniele having a coffee

Issyk Kul
Something is happening in the sky

Issyk Kul
One of the most astonishing sunset we have ever seen

Issyk Kul
One of the most astonishing sunset we have ever seen

Issyk Kul
One of the most astonishing sunset we have ever seen

Issyk Kul
Cycling around the lake means having great spot for camping

Issyk Kul
Time to relax

Issyk Kul
Ien cooking potatoes in a hole. We dig a hole to protect the stove from the strong wind.

Issyk Kul
As usual Davy set up an amazing fire

Issyk Kul

Issyk Kul
Issyk Kul early in the morning

Issyk Kul
Cycling around the lake means having great spot for camping

Issyk kul
Sea-like landscape

Issyk kul
Daniele ready to swim

Issyk kul
Daniele ready to swim with Kyungey Ala-Too mountains at the back

Issyk kul
Davy built up his own paradise

Issyk kul
Issyk Kul and Kyungey Ala-Too mountains

Issyk kul
Bus stops in Kyrgyzstan are very unique. They are all different and they all represent something of the kyrgyz culture, like this yurta-shaped bus stop.

Issyk kul
Last day around the lake. We deserve an energetic lunch in Balykchy

Issyk kul
After the snow in the mountains, we are caught by heavy rain and a storm on our way back to Bishkek. Best place for camping is this tunnel right under the highway

Issyk kul
Containers are very popular in Central Asia. They are used as stall in the market, as small shops or as fences!

Issyk kul
Once again we meet Mette and Jan from Holland. This time they are travelling with Mette parents and they offer us an amazing watermelon!

Issyk kul
Ien and Charlotte exercisizing

Issyk kul
Charlotte from Planeless Travelers

Issyk kul
All of us together

Issyk kul
Leaving for the last ride to Bishkek

Issyk kul
Riding to Bishkek

Issyk kul
Hobo Cinelli

Issyk kul
Planeless Travelers celebrating their first long tour by bicycle

Issyk kul
Kyrgyzstan flag